Dear Stan and team.
the instruments arrived just before X-mas in Germany. So I could use the time with my son to build up the new instrument portfolio.
I´m happy with this possibility now, which increase the flight immersion a lot and help to learn to fly more with instruments.
To use the knobs with the different shape, is a big advantage compared to mouse or the knobster or FIP´s which I had before.
bif thank you, to the FSB team to provide us this possibility with MSFS 2020 / 2024 and x-plane 12. Also the airmanager works great with the equipment
I´m looking now forward to new instruments at the SG from you . Important would be to show also flaps, fuelselector and brake position.
Take care

the instruments arrived just before X-mas in Germany. So I could use the time with my son to build up the new instrument portfolio.
I´m happy with this possibility now, which increase the flight immersion a lot and help to learn to fly more with instruments.
To use the knobs with the different shape, is a big advantage compared to mouse or the knobster or FIP´s which I had before.
bif thank you, to the FSB team to provide us this possibility with MSFS 2020 / 2024 and x-plane 12. Also the airmanager works great with the equipment
I´m looking now forward to new instruments at the SG from you . Important would be to show also flaps, fuelselector and brake position.
Take care